The Game of Golf – What’s Going on in Your Head?

Robert Hart
Have you ever experienced anxiety on the course? Do you put yourself under pressure and then fluff your next shot? Does it sometimes get to the point where you are boiling over with anger at your game – and feel like hurling your clubs into the nearest bush?

Breaking 90 - it can be tough to do. And plenty don’t.

Robert Hart

Although there are no confirmed figures to say exactly how many golfers regularly achieve this mark, it’s believed to be around 25% who manage it. Even then, it’s unclear as to how many of these do so on a regular basis.  What is clear is that a large majority of players aren’t getting round the course in 90 shots or less.  


How much is a Golf Simulator?

Robert Hart

Good question! When it comes to the cost of a golf simulator, there are a number of things you need to factor in. The price being one – obviously! But price isn’t everything.


Must Have Golf Simulator Accessories

Robert Hart

Must Have Golf Simulator Accessories Some people have top of the line golf simulator setups. These can be in their house, basement, or garage and have the best systems, screens, and software. There always is...