12 Amazing Golf Facts

Robert Hart
If you like golf trivia, here are a dozen snippets of information that you can regale to your fellow players when you next get together out on the course, at the 19th hole, or in your home golf studio.

Are Golf Simulators good for Beginners?

Robert Hart
For anyone just starting out with golf, a golf simulator can be a really useful tool. Using one will help novice golfers get to grip with the basics across all aspects of the game. Very few people start with a perfect swing (in fact, does anyone ever achieve the perfect swing!) but a golf simulator will help get you in the right groove and help overcome any glaring errors or faults – but in an entertaining way.  

Top 10 Manchester Golf Courses

Robert Hart

Clients of Golf Bays UK come from far and wide – across the UK, Europe, the United States, Japan, the Middle East. In fact, anywhere golf is played, we have customers!


So, if you are looking for a game of golf in the Manchester area, there are 70 or so courses in the locale and here’s a rundown on some of our favourite golf venues.    


How much is a Golf Simulator?

Robert Hart

Good question! When it comes to the cost of a golf simulator, there are a number of things you need to factor in. The price being one – obviously! But price isn’t everything.


Must Have Golf Simulator Accessories

Robert Hart

Must Have Golf Simulator Accessories Some people have top of the line golf simulator setups. These can be in their house, basement, or garage and have the best systems, screens, and software. There always is...